The Mound - #29 - Until Next Year

And so - for the last time this year - we step up to The Mound. 

To be honest, though, the very prospect of pitching right now feels inappropriate. So close to the end of the year, this is no time for satire, for thinly veiled criticisms of Government and industry. Now is a time for sincerity, for non-denominational well-wishes, and the very warmest post-lunch handshakes of which we’re capable. 

All these end of year parties, dinners, and lunches have made sentimentalists of us at Good One. They’ve forced us all to pause and to think back - usually to last night and all the awful things we said over that last rum and coke. Our writings, thankfully, are a source of decidedly quieter demons. 

Over this year we pitched to you guys quite a few ideas - almost 30 of them. Some of the more popular editions of this newsletter saw us:

  • Solve the ABC's financial woes by turning it into an IP accelerator,

  • counter the dwindling value of bachelor's degrees with the world's deadliest university,

  • and fix the cost of housing by paying professional haunters to scare the rich from their holiday homes.

It’s worth noting that we couldn’t have done this on our own. Whilst creating this newsletter requires a frankly inhuman amount of willpower as well as god-given talent, knowing that every Tuesday morning you, our readers, would be sitting at your desks and foaming at the mouth in anticipation for it, helped. (We’d be willing to admit that you guys are at least 3% responsible.)

Over the past 29 weeks we’ve built a real community - and we’d like to especially thank those of you who provided us with such stellar feedback as:

  • "This is such a terrible idea lol..."

  • "Jesus Christ, the whole point of the ABC is that it's tax payer funded and doesn't have to be for profit."

  • "What a load of crap. A bunch of waffle about nothing won't convince anyone."

You guys have really helped us to develop as ad-people and to slowly cauterise the more human, feeling parts of ourselves. Without this, we never would have had the cocktail of courage and shamelessness to set a world record last Saturday in support of Cancer Council Victoria.

The above is the longest chain of people simultaneously applying sunscreen to each other that this world has ever seen. Again, we look forward to your feedback.

As a heads-up, the plan is to re-take The Mound on the 9th of January. So - before we collapse for the break, waking briefly to fist-fight our uncle at Christmas lunch - we'd just like to thank you (our wonderful clients, especially) for supporting us on our mission to uncover and then to pitch the incredibly, impossibly, impressively obvious.

Good night, we love you all, and…

You’re welcome, Australia.


The Mound - #30 - Productivity Hackers


The Mound - #28 - The Pitchmen